View of the stone furniture
showing the hopper refitted
We then refitted the hopper and covered the hole in the top of the tun to prevent dirt getting in. We also made further progress with the flour chute.
We are starting to plan for construction of a vermin-proof grain storage box. We also wondered whether we could adapt the sack hoist to give a mechanical advantage when used with manual power. At present it is useless as it has no means of connecting to the machinery, and therefore cannot use water power to lift material.
Yesterday, Bank Holiday Monday, we were visited by Duncan Hutt and his family. Duncan is currently a member of the North East Mills Group, but was formerly further West and took part in the restoration of our mill in the 1990s. In particular he recalled the construction of the launder - done in a very much of a rush to meet a deadline, and not surprising it needs re-building. He also noted that the people responsible for the major part of the restoration were building, rather than milling, experts. In any case, the mill was restored as a static exhibit. This confirms the view that we had formed on the basis that parts of the machine (bedstones, stone nuts etc) had been restored in a position in which they could not possibly work!