Tuesday 29 November 2011

Modifying the end of the launder

Richard has now finished fabricating the iron framework to carry the modifications to the end of the launder. The idea is
  1. To carry the water further so that it will enter the wheel at a higher point, so that it will be falling as far as possible while it is in the wheel
  2. To deposit the water at a better angle so that its momentum is not acting against the motion of the wheel
  3. To add side cheeks to stop the water splashing out of the wheel

View from the launder showing the brackets
and the side cheeks

Another view showing one bracket and side cheek

Sunday 20 November 2011

General maintenance

Since the season ended, we have been doing a few small jobs and preparing for bigger ones to come.

We had a long-ish meeting with Sara to agree what the programme of work should be.
We had a good tidy-up in the workshop.

Richard fabricated one of the metal structures to modify the end of the launder and we tried it in place.

Ray inserted a small strip of wood onto the end of the launder bottom so that the lip is now parallel to the wheel.

We made a trash strainer out of chicken wire for the mill end of the head race.

We dismantled the stone furniture and hoovered out the generous layer of flour stuck to the inside.
We measured up for the timber we need to repair the launder and to re-line the wheel.
We designed a grain storage bin.